
  • Where should I sign up?

    We have two different portals for Press and Influencers. In general, press outlets should sign up on Game.Press. Creators and influencers should sign up on Keymailer.

    If you have a press outlet and a video channel sharing the same brand, sign up on Keymailer for your video channel and enter your Press information in Settings > Press Outlets > Edit.

    If you have a press outlet and a video channel with different brands, create 2 different accounts - one on Game.Press for the press outlet, and one on Keymailer for the video channel.

  • I entered the wrong email address when registering. How do I fix this?

    For security reasons we can't change your registered email address for you. However if you get in touch with us using the contact form, we can erase the account completely and you can then sign up again with your correct email.

  • How do I change my password?

    Click Forgotten Password on the login screen, or  Login and go to Under ACTIONS, click CHANGE PASSWORD.

  • Why and how do I show my Press Outlet Name to Promoters?

    If you mainly produce content for your press outlet, you may want to have your Account Name set as your Press Outlet Name". This allows promoters to see who you are as a press outlet.

    You can enable this setting by ticking the checkbox Use Press Outlet Name located in the settings menu and edit Press.

    For your press outlet name, we recommend following the style " Short Reviews Section". It contains both your domain name and a description you want promoters to see.

    If you are Freelancers, enter your main client as your domain.